Your child's preschool place is funded by the NSW Government Start Strong for Communities Preschool Program. This Government funding determines what our preschool charges in fees. In 2025 the Government will provide ongoing fee-relief to families under this program.
At Goonellabah Preschool we offer free preschool of 2x 7.5 hour days (8.30am-4.00pm) for all children turning 4 or 5 before 31.7.2025 (provided you are not already accessing your fee relief subsidy at another preschool or day care centre).
We offer free preschool of 2x 7.5 hour days (8.30am-4.00pm) for children turning 3 before 31.7.2025 who are from low-income families, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, and children with a disability or additional learning needs (provided you are not already accessing your fee relief subsidy at another preschool or day care centre).
We offer subsidised preschool for all other children turning 3 before 31.7.2025.
Children aged 3-5 are eligible for a Start Strong funded preschool placement. (conditions apply).
Extended hours care is offered to all families for $8.00 per half hour from 8.00am-4.30pm outside of regular enrolled hours.